The C API bindings are provided by using the iso_c_binding
intrinsic module.
Generally, objects are exported as opaque pointers and can only be manipulated within the library.
The API user is required to delete all objects created in the library by using the provided deconstructor functions to avoid mamory leaks.
Overall four classes of objects are provided by the library
error handlers (
), used to communicate exceptional conditions and errors from the library to the userstructure containers (
), used to represent the system specific information and geometry data, only the latter are mutable for the userdispersion model objects (
), general model for calculating dispersion releated propertiesdamping function objects (
) polymorphic objects to represent the actual method parametrisation
Generally, all quantities provided to the library are assumed to be in atomic units.
Error handling#
typedef struct _dftd4_error *dftd4_error;#
Error handle class
The library provides a light error handle type (dftd4_error
) for storing error information
The error handle requires only small overhead to construct and can only contain a single error.
The handler is represented by an opaque pointer and can only be manipulated by call from the library. The user of those objects is required to delete the handlers again using the library provided deconstructors to avoid memory leaks.
dftd4_error dftd4_new_error();#
- Returns:
New allocation for error handle
Create new error handle object
int dftd4_check_error(dftd4_error error);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
- Returns:
Current status of error handle, non-zero in case of error
Check error handle status
void dftd4_get_error(dftd4_error error, char *buffer, const int *buffersize);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
buffer – Allocation to store error message in
buffersize – Maximum length of the buffer (optional)
Get error message from error handle
void dftd4_delete_error(dftd4_error *error);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
Delete error handle object
Structure data#
typedef struct _dftd4_structure *dftd4_structure;#
Molecular structure data class
The structure data is used to represent the system of interest in the library. It contains immutable system specific information like the number of atoms, the unique atom groups and the boundary conditions as well as mutable geometry data like cartesian coordinates and lattice parameters.
dftd4_structure dftd4_new_structure(dftd4_error error, const int natoms, const int *numbers, const double *positions, const double *charge, const double *lattice, const bool *periodic);#
- Parameters:
natoms – Number of atoms in the system
numbers – Atomic numbers of all atoms [natoms]
positions – Cartesian coordinates in Bohr [natoms, 3]
charge – Total molecular charge (optional)
lattice – Lattice parameters in Bohr [3, 3] (optional)
periodic – Periodic dimension of the system [3] (optional)
- Returns:
New molecular structure data handle
Create new molecular structure data (quantities in Bohr)
void dftd4_delete_structure(dftd4_structure *mol);#
- Parameters:
mol – Molecular structure data handle
Delete molecular structure data
void dftd4_update_structure(dftd4_error error, dftd4_structure mol, const double *positions, const double *lattice);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
mol – Molecular structure data handle
positions – Cartesian coordinates in Bohr [natoms, 3]
lattice – Lattice parameters in Bohr [3, 3] (optional)
Update coordinates and lattice parameters (quantities in Bohr)
Dispersion model#
typedef struct _dftd4_model *dftd4_model;#
Dispersion model class
Instantiated for a given molecular structure type, it carries no information on the geometry but relies on the atomic species of the structure object. Recreating a structure object requires to recreate the dispersion model as well.
dftd4_model dftd4_new_d4_model(dftd4_error error, dftd4_structure mol);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
mol – Molecular structure data handle
- Returns:
New dispersion model handle
Create new D4 dispersion model
dftd4_model dftd4_custom_d4_model(dftd4_error error, dftd4_structure mol, double ga, double gc, double wf);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
mol – Molecular structure data handle
ga – Charge scaling height
gc – Charge scaling steepness
wf – Weighting factor for coordination number interpolation
- Returns:
New dispersion model handle
Create new D4 dispersion model with custom parameters
dftd4_model dftd4_new_d4s_model(dftd4_error error, dftd4_structure mol);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
mol – Molecular structure data handle
- Returns:
New dispersion model handle
Create new D4S dispersion model
dftd4_model dftd4_custom_d4s_model(dftd4_error error, dftd4_structure mol, double ga, double gc);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
mol – Molecular structure data handle
ga – Charge scaling height
gc – Charge scaling steepness
- Returns:
New dispersion model handle
Create new D4S dispersion model with custom parameters
void dftd4_delete_model(dftd4_model *disp);#
- Parameters:
disp – Dispersion model handle
Delete dispersion model
Damping parameters#
typedef struct _dftd4_param *dftd4_param;#
Damping parameter class
The damping parameter object determining the short-range behaviour of the dispersion correction. Standard damping parameters like the rational damping are independent of the molecular structure and can easily be reused for several structures or easily exchanged.
dftd4_param dftd4_new_rational_damping(dftd4_error error, double s6, double s8, double s9, double a1, double a2, double alp);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
s6 – Scaling factor for C6 contribution
s8 – Scaling factor for C8 contribution
s9 – Scaling factor for C9 contribution
a1 – Scaling factor for critical radii
a2 – Offset distance in Bohr for critical radii
- Returns:
New damping function parameter handle
Create new rational damping parameters
dftd4_param dftd4_load_rational_damping(dftd4_error error, char *method, bool mdb);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
method – Name of the method to load parameters for
mbd – Use three-body specific parametrization
- Returns:
New damping function parameter handle
Load rational damping parameters from internal storage
void dftd4_delete_param(dftd4_param *param);#
- Parameters:
param – Damping function parameter handle
Delete damping parameters
Calculation entrypoints#
To evaluate dispersion energies or related properties the dftd4_get_dispersion procedure and similar can be used.
void dftd4_get_properties(dftd4_error error, dftd4_structure mol, dftd4_model disp, double *cn, double *charges, double *c6, double *alpha);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
mol – Molecular structure data handle
disp – Dispersion model handle
cn – Coordination number for all atoms [natoms]
charges – Partial charges for all atoms [natoms]
c6 – C6 coefficients for all atom pairs [natoms, natoms]
alpha – Static polarizibilities for all atoms [natoms]
Evaluate properties related to the dispersion model
void dftd4_get_dispersion(dftd4_error error, dftd4_structure mol, dftd4_model disp, dftd4_param param, double *energy, double *gradient, double *sigma);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
mol – Molecular structure data handle
disp – Dispersion model handle
param – Damping function parameter handle
energy – Dispersion energy
gradient – Dispersion gradient [natoms, 3] (optional)
sigma – Dispersion strain derivatives [3, 3] (optional)
Evaluate the dispersion energy and its derivatives
void dftd4_get_pairwise_dispersion(dftd4_error error, dftd4_structure mol, dftd4_model disp, dftd4_param param, double *pair_energy2, double *pair_energy3);#
- Parameters:
error – Error handle
mol – Molecular structure data handle
disp – Dispersion model handle
param – Damping function parameter handle
energy – Pairwise additive dispersion energies
energy – Pairwise non-addititive dispersion energies
Evaluate the pairwise representation of the dispersion energy