Fortran API#
The dftd4 library seamlessly integrates with other Fortran projects via module interfaces,
Generally, all quantities used in the library are stored in atomic units.
Handling of geometries and structure#
The basic infrastructure to handle molecular and periodic structures is provided by the modular computation tool chain library. The library provides a structure type which is used to represent all geometry related informations in dftd4. A structure type can be constructed from arrays or read from a file.
The constructor is provided with the generic interface new
and takes an array of atomic numbers (integer
) or element symbols (character(len=*)
) as well as the cartesian coordinates in Bohr.
Additionally, the molecular charge and the number of unpaired electrons can be provided the charge
and uhf
keyword, respectively.
To create a periodic structure the lattice parameters can be passed as 3 by 3 matrix with the lattice
An example for using the constructor is given here
subroutine example
use mctc_env, only : wp
use mctc_io, only : structure_type, new
implicit none
type(structure_type) :: mol
real(wp), allocatable :: xyz(:, :)
integer, allocatable :: num(:)
num = [6, 1, 1, 1, 1]
xyz = reshape([ &
& 0.00000000000000_wp, -0.00000000000000_wp, 0.00000000000000_wp, &
& -1.19220800552211_wp, 1.19220800552211_wp, 1.19220800552211_wp, &
& 1.19220800552211_wp, -1.19220800552211_wp, 1.19220800552211_wp, &
& -1.19220800552211_wp, -1.19220800552211_wp, -1.19220800552211_wp, &
& 1.19220800552211_wp, 1.19220800552211_wp, -1.19220800552211_wp],&
& [3, size(num)])
call new(mol, num, xyz, charge=0.0_wp, uhf=0)
! ...
end subroutine example
To interact with common input file formats for structures the read_structure
procedure is available.
The file type is inferred from the name of the file automatically or if a file type hint is provided directly from the enumerator of available file types.
The read_structure
routine can also use an already opened unit, but in this case the file type hint is mandatory to select the correct format to read from.
subroutine example
use mctc_env, only : error_type
use mctc_io, only : structure_type, read_structure, file_type
implicit none
type(structure_type) :: mol
type(error_type), allocatable :: error
character(len=:), allocatable :: input
input = ""
call read_structure(mol, input, error, file_type%xyz)
if (allocated(error)) then
print '(a)', error%message
stop 1
end if
! ...
end subroutine example
The structure type as well as the error type contain only allocatable members and can therefore be used without requiring explicit deconstruction.
Certain members of the structure type should be considered immutable, like the number of atoms (nat
), the identifiers for unique atoms (id
) and the boundary conditions (periodic
To change those specific structure parameters the structure type and all dependent objects should be reconstructed to ensure a consistent setup.
Other properties, like the geometry (xyz
), molecular charge (charge
), number of unpaired electrons (uhf
) and lattice parameters (lattice
) can be changed without requiring to reconstruct dependent objects like calculators or restart data.
Error handling#
The basic error handler is an allocatable derived type, available from mctc_env
as error_type
, which signals an error by its allocation status.
use mctc_env, only : error_type, fatal_error
implicit none
type(error_type), allocatable :: error
call always_ok(error)
if (allocated(error)) then
print '(a)', "Unexpected failure:", error%message
end if
call always_failed(error)
if (allocated(error)) then
print '(a)', "Error:", error%message
end if
subroutine always_ok(error)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
end subroutine always_ok
subroutine always_failed(error)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
call fatal_error(error, "Message associated with this error")
end subroutine always_failed
An unhandled error might get dropped by the next procedure call.